Joan Jett… She wrote the music for the pubescent all-girl band The Runaways in the late seventies. I used to tease my hair out, rub black eyeliner around my eyes, put my mom’s silver leggs-eggs in my shirt to compensate for my flat chest and stand in front of the closet mirror yelling at the top of my lungs “ Hello Daddy, Hello Mom, I’m your..ch-ch-ch-ch- cherry Bomb!” I had no idea what cherry bomb meant..I still don’t really, but I loved to dance to that song and man I thought those girls were cool. This was 1979 and the movie
"The Warriors" had just debuted at the theater down at the local mall. Here was my list of priorities. Number one - I wanted to be in a gang and number two - I wanted to be Joan Jett because she was the prettiest of all of the runaways. Nice priorities for a 6 year old!
2 years later – I love Rock and Roll poured out of my stereo while I lay sunning myself in the back yard of the house. My hairy, skinny, third grader legs were covered in baby oil and I started begging my mom to buy me the album. PLEASE MOM, I will clean my room, I will wash the dishes…please???? She bought it for me and I played that album until the grooves were worn down to smooth vinyl. That album helped me escape the fact that I was the daughter of a poor, single mom, growing up in a small Texas town. I would practice my sneer in the mirror and I wore black leather. Joan was cool because she was hot, but she was one of the guys - She wrote music, drank beer, cursed and kicked shit…all while looking completely badass in my 15-year-old eyes. When Lita Ford released her Metal album in 80’s, I could never take her seriously. With the glam pop hair-do and her ridiculous spandex one pieces – she couldn’t hold a candle to Joan. I preferred my jeans and t-shirt combo.
Last night I had a dream that Joan Jett was my girlfriend. I am not sure that we were lesbians…I might have been a man, or maybe she was. I was really happy that we had the same haircut and could share skinny jeans. I took her out to dinner. I walked her up to the front porch at the end of the date and when I kissed her - I woke up. I don’t really know what the dream meant...I don’t usually fantasize about women and dating them. The only thing I can think of is that maybe I was morphing myself today into my former self and I really went on a date with my subconscious dressed up as Joan. Crazy.
….Ah, now I don't hardly know her
But I think I could love her
Crimson and clover