Spring has sprung in my yard ! I have catnip and okra growing in the back of the house and both the persimmon tree and the tangerine tree are in full bloom. Sigh - this is the best time of year. It's been 85 degrees and breezy here the last few days and I can only say that I am in heaven. I decided to put together a little collage this morning of all the spring newness around me.
Starting on the upper left and moving clockwise we have ....drum roll please....
1. Catnip in a planter that I had to hang from the fence to keep the local kitties out of it. I came home last night and there were 2 little fur balls rolling in the yard and drinking from my fountain. Cat party at Ruby's!
2. Little Okra sprouts. I am very excited about these. Being from the south - one of my favorite foods is okra. Mmmm...I love it fried, sauteed, pickled, stewed. Uh, yea, I just said stewed. I think I channeled my grandmother for a second there.
3. Little speckled bird eggs I found in the yard. These were just too cute. You can't tell from the picture, but they are the palest blue with maroon specks. They look like easter candy. I picked them up and I was just so amazed at what nature can create. I took them inside and put them in a little jar on my windowsill. I know..to some people I brought in trash from the yard and I am now displaying it for all company to see. But for me, it's a precious little treasure that reminds me that life starts anew every year. sappy!
4. Bloom on the persimmon tree. I only got 3 little persimmons off the tree last year, but every other year it goes berzerk and I get so much fruit that I am carrying it to work to give away. I am hoping that it will be that way this year because I am going to make persimmon preserves. YUM! I have brand new jars and a whole fresh bag of sugar just waiting for the fruit to be ready.
5. This is actually 2 pictures. The middle one is a cactus that I liked from the neighbors yard. I was out there taking pictures when I realized that they might not like me standing in their yard with a camera...so I sheepishly left and this was the only one I got. The next picture is my sisters birthday package that is shipping off to her this weekend for her 25th birthday. I can't disclose what is inside, but let me tell you...it is good stuff. No Really, it is, but she might read this, so.
6. Another okra sprout from up close and personal. Gimme some sprout love !
I hope your spring days are as happy as mine.
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