Ruby Rue

Ever like just lay on your bed eating frosted flakes out of the box and wish someone would just tell you what to do because it just takes too much energy to look up stuff, like, online and in papers?

Friday, May 18, 2007

Blogger is down !

Blogger will not let me post any pictures this week - :(

Things going on this weekend :

Bring all your broken DVD players, TVs, and toasters to Santa Monica College this weekend. Santa Monica’s holding a free Public Electronic E-Waste Recycling Event (PDF) this Friday and Saturday, May 18 - 19, 2007, from 10 am - 2pm at Santa Monica College, 1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica.


What :Strawberry Festival in Oxnard - Sat. and Sunday
Where: Strawberry Meadows of College Park 3250 South Rose Avenue Oxnard, California
