Ruby Rue

Ever like just lay on your bed eating frosted flakes out of the box and wish someone would just tell you what to do because it just takes too much energy to look up stuff, like, online and in papers?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tuesday's gone with the wind

Fall weather always makes me want to pull out my combat boots and long scarves and run around pretending I am in 1980's London. If I were in London circa 1981 my name would be something ambiguous and wildly romantic like Eden or Jorel. I wouldn't be something stupid like a poet - I would be a war correspondent - or a spy.
I would drink dark beer , eat red meat with a knife and I would wear this necklace on my harrowing journeys through the underbelly of the North End.



My friends are playing the ECHO tonight - check it out ! They are fantastic and you will be seeing a band that is just about to break. Kind of like seeing Interpol back in the day.....
