This scared the jesus right outta me

I don't know if it has to do with growing up in the bible belt, but radical christianity scares the bejesus out of me. I am all for religion keeping people straight - but to create an army of little brainwashed children is just wrong.
Make no mistake: extremist evangelical ministries have their sights set on America's youth. As this alternately bizarre, terrifying, and hilarious documentary from directors Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady outlines in detail, many children in the US are being indoctrinated into a proselytizing, militant perversion of biblical morality that skirts the underlying elements of Christian faith. Jesus Camp follows three particularly extreme cases: Levi, a Ted Haggard in the making; Rachel, a ten-year-old female Ned Flanders; and Tory, a dancer who is bound for biblical burnout. The camera follows each with fascination and horror as they encounter the rigors of Pastor Becky Fischer's madrasah-cum-summer Bible camp.
Look at this kids eyes - I need a stiff drink..........
Jesus Camp the Movie
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