Ruby Rue

Ever like just lay on your bed eating frosted flakes out of the box and wish someone would just tell you what to do because it just takes too much energy to look up stuff, like, online and in papers?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Press release taken from the
Bellwether Gallery website:

In "The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death" photographer Corinne May Botz explores a collection of eighteen crime scene models that were built in the 1940's and 50's by a progressive criminologist Frances Glessner Lee (1878 – 1962). The crime scene models, which were based on actual homicides, suicides, and accidental deaths, were created to train detectives to assess visual evidence. Like a forensic detective herself, Botz meticulously re-traces Lee’s footsteps with her camera and lights. Her large-scale color photographs shrewdly frame the idiosyncratic and haunting details from these captivating murder scene dollhouses. Such noir fiction shuttles between the detective photography of Weegee and the dollhouse narrative photography by Laurie Simmons to explore the dark side of domestic life.

Buy Book Here

Frances Glessner Lee hard at work on a tiny terror !
