Ruby Rue

Ever like just lay on your bed eating frosted flakes out of the box and wish someone would just tell you what to do because it just takes too much energy to look up stuff, like, online and in papers?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Under the Influence of Giants


Ok folks, I can't decide if this band is good or just trying wayyyyyy too hard. They're new single " mama's room" is actually growing on me. It transports me back to when I was 6, wearing my pink satin jacket and toting around my cassette player with the attached microphone - Then I open my eyes and all I see is an American Apparel Ad? HUH?

Anyway, these guys are a mix of Bee-Gees with a little bit of "Disco-Kiss" bass thrown in for good measure.

check out the video here

If you like what you see - then go see them at the Key Club on 08/09/06
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