Ruby Rue

Ever like just lay on your bed eating frosted flakes out of the box and wish someone would just tell you what to do because it just takes too much energy to look up stuff, like, online and in papers?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Obsessions! Oh My !

This package allows you to make twinkies at home. Now, at first I wondered aloud, why would I make them when someone else already bakes them....then.... I saw that you can fill them with whatever you want. OMG, chocolate, peanut butter, rum? The world is your cream filled oyster with this one baby, and the BIG plus is - it comes with an action figure that you can hide a twinkie inside of. If that's not worth $19.99, I don't know what the freak is!

Buy Here


This is Blythe. I want her outfit. I am trying to draw little deers and woodland creatures on felt to see if I can cop her style. It's not really coming together so well.... I might have to dye my hair burgundy for the total effect.
Oh Blythe - why?
